February – November 2021

Artistic and Musical Direction of the first edition of the Chengdu Music Festival 2021 Musical events celebration for the 50 years of diplomatic relatioships between Italy and China Organizers committee: The Sichuan People’s Art Theater M° Giovanni Landini Mrs. Astrid...

Maison Antonio Marras

I first met Antonio Marras and his wife Patrizia at a fashion event where they were the guests of honor. From the moment we became friends, we have cultivated a deep connection rooted in arts and culture which continues to flourish and grow. In 2008, I had the honor...

Casa Musicale Luciano Del Rio

I’m incredibly grateful to have enjoyed a long relationship with Casa Musicale Del Rio. I met Luciano at the La Cavallerizza Theater in Reggio Emilia, after I gave a piano concert there. We immediately struck up a close professional and personal relationship;...


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